Why Is Platinum More Expensive Than Gold?

The rarity of platinum is one of the reasons for its high price.

It is about 10 times rarer than gold, making it a more coveted metal.

The same reason applies to diamonds versus cubic zirconia; diamonds are far more rare and thus worth more.

Platinum group metals, including platinum, are also more durable than other precious metals, making them more valuable.

The rarity of platinum makes it difficult to find deposits large enough to meet market demands.

It can also be expensive to extract from ore, which contributes to its higher price tag.



Which metal would be worth more if melted down and sold as a commodity?

Neither, since they are both more valuable in their pure form.

They would be worth less if melted down because you would lose some metal to the process of melting it.

If these metals were free, platinum is 10 times rarer than gold, so it’s safe to say that its price would definitely outweigh gold’s price.



What Makes These Two Metals So Different From One Another?

Platinum has a different chemical composition than gold.

Platinum is naturally mixed with metals such as iridium, rhodium, palladium, and ruthenium.

By comparison, gold is not mixed with any other metal species.

The chemical differences are the main reason why platinum is more valuable than gold even though both metals have an equally high density.


How is it possible that two metals with a similar density can have different values?

As mentioned before, the difference in the chemical composition between gold and platinum causes a significant difference in their value as well as their properties as a metal.

Even though they both have a high density, gold has a greater ductility and malleability than platinum.

In addition, gold is less reactive than platinum, meaning it does not corrode as easily.

These properties make gold more valuable and easier to work with, which drives its price up.


Do you think there’s a difference in the value between vintage and modern platinum jewelry pieces?

There is a significant difference in the value between vintage and modern platinum jewelry pieces.

Vintage platinum jewelry is rare and often contains valuable gemstones.

As a result, it is worth significantly more than modern platinum jewelry.

The difference in value is due to the fact that modern platinum jewelry is more common and does not contain as many valuable gemstones.



Why Does The Price Difference Between Gold and Platinum Vary?

The price difference varies because the spot prices do.

If you look at historical prices, you’ll see that platinum has always been more expensive than gold – but the percentage difference has changed over time.

Is this because platinum is rarer?

Yes – There are very few places in the world where you can find naturally occurring platinum.  Most of it comes from mines in Russia.



Why do people favour certain types of jewelry over others?

Many different factors can lead people to favour certain types of jewelry over others.

For instance, some people may prefer platinum because it is stronger than gold and has a smoother lustre.

Others may prefer gold because it does not corrode as quickly.

These preferences lead to differences in the prices of these types of jewelry.



What are some other factors that people might consider when they’re looking to buy jewelry?

The rarity of the metal

The properties of the metal (ductility, malleability, reactivity)

The design of the piece

 The cost of the piece

The brand of the jewelry

The country of origin.

Gold and platinum are both valuable metals.

Gold is more reactive than platinum.

Platinum is rarer than gold, making it typically worth more.


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The Bottom Line

Platinum is the rarer metal in that it takes 10 times more platinum to make a pound of platinum than gold.

It’s also worth about 3 times as much per ounce, which isn’t surprising considering its rarity and properties like resistance to tarnish.

The higher price tag on platinum makes sense given these two factors alone, but there are other considerations too.

Platinum has many industrial applications, so even if you’re not investing in jewelry, this might be an important consideration for your portfolio.

Gold still remains one of the most popular metals because it’s found so frequently around us in coins, electronics and jewelry.